Doris Day Can F**k Off @ Zoo Southside

But Greg McLaren can stick around

Feature by Clare Sinclair | 23 Aug 2011
Doris Day Can F**k Off

If a man was to greet you in song, how would you react? Would you do all you could to avoid the random singing gent, or would you sing back, happy to play along? And why on earth is he doing it, anyway? Greg McLaren's Doris Day Can F**k Off springs from those questions, asked both of each day’s audience and (secretly) the public in days past.

This is half social experiment, half performance. Before the show, McLaren lived his life in constant song, recording the public’s reactions through a hidden microphone. On stage, McLaren greets the audience – in song, of course – before cajoling them into singing their names to him. The tension is palpable: after all, very few people are happy singing in public, never mind at a Fringe show in front of an audience. But sing they do, such is the affable and excitable nature of our host.

Exploring natural vocal and physical rhythm with the inquisitive, exuberant nature of humanity, the show slowly builds its humour. McLaren creates his own libretto: songs, his recordings of sung encounters and some genuinely funny reactions are tied together by McLaren's undeniable technical skill as he loops and samples seemingly meaningless noises into song. This is less about Doris Day, more a highly entertaining experiment into our relationship with song.

Doris Day Can F**k Off, 5-29 August, 18:15, Zoo Southside.