Don't Trust Salmon: Fin @ Zoo Roxy

Mildly Amusing Fish

Feature by Nick Manderson | 20 Aug 2011
Don't Trust Salmon: Fin @ Zoo Roxy

Don't Trust Salmon: Fin opens with an interesting and clever employment of handheld torches; the pace has been set. The comedy sketches are short and well timed. The punch line isn't left to linger allowing boredom to set in.

To keep the show flowing short sound tracks with little comedy sketch vignettes are played inbetween the performed stage pieces. There are moments in the show where these vignettes are more entertaining than the sketch itself.

With this in mind the comedy skills of the Don't Trust Salmon team might be much better placed on radio. They would make a very natural addition to BBC Radio 4's Friday night comedy line-up. Don't Trust Salmon: Fin isn't laugh out loud funny, but you will leave feeling amused.

28-29 August @ Zoo Roxy, 4pm