Food and Drink Survey 2014: How to Survive a Hangover with Aubergine

Though quite a few of you suggested 'bed' as the Best Place When Hungover, the rest of you evidently pluck up the courage to venture bleary-eyed from beneath the duvet

Feature by Jamie Faulkner | 08 Jan 2014

Aubergine in West Kirby turned out to be one of your havens for those regretful Sundays: we talked to owner Andrew Mahon about how they do it, and how to deal with the morning after the night before.

Why do you think people voted for you? I mean, we've heard your breakfasts are pretty legendary... 
"When hungover I think we like to retreat to a place of comfort, and I think we provide that; we have a homely feel and try to offer a wide selection of home-baked foods with healthy portion sizes. I think our location really helps too – a walk around West Kirby’s marine lake can help clear even the fuzziest of heads!"

Do you have a loyal following in West Kirby?
"We’re hugely lucky to have a loyal local base of customers many of whom we see every day, but we also greet plenty of new faces too with tourists visiting from as far afield as China, Japan, American, Canada, Australia, Thailand and Spain – many of whom have been kind enough to send us photos of their visit to the café, and to post comments on TripAdvisor, etc." 

So, let's get down to business. What are your best hangover 'cures'? Dishes on your own menu or home remedies?
"The traditional Full English Breakfast is the king of hangover cures for good reason. Actually, a member of the talented local band The Red Suns helped us devise our Deluxe Full English Breakfast, which offers really fantastic quality meats (cured black bacon, etc.), which always goes down a treat. A pot of English Breakfast tea is the obvious companion, but a loose leaf tea can really hit the spot too – I currently have a craving for Moroccan mint. For the more hardcore, hair of the dog: a BrewDog Pale Ale may be your chosen saviour!"

Do you practise what you preach? 
"My personal experience is that prevention is definitely better than cure! Prior to drinking commencing I try to eat nice big pasta dish, then once I return home from the night out I drink at least a couple of pints of water, followed by a paracetamol or two (if it’s been a particularly good night)."

For those who neither live near nor, with the mother of all hangovers, have the inclination to go to West Kirby, try this headache-combatting fare from the menus of your other favourite hangover haunts:

The Koffee Pot, Manchester: Forego the more standard options and have the smoked haddock rarebit crumpets and Tabasco tomatoes with a poached egg. 

Onion Deli, Liverpool: It's got to be a Full English with homemade beans and a brew – though the 'Proper' bacon sarnies are always tempting.

Fallow Cafe, Manchester: It's difficult to go wrong with their hot dog – handmade bratwurst, barbecue sauce, caramelised onions and onion rings for allium overload.

Home Sweet Home, Manchester: The whole menu reads like one giant hangover remedy, but Waffle Fried Chicken with bacon and maple syrup is a standout.