Twin Peaks' sound design made into an album

Dean Hurley, the sound designer of Twin Peaks: The Return, has released an album of his distinctive and haunting sounds from David Lynch’s show

Article by The Skinny | 08 Aug 2017
Twin Peaks

A key element to any David Lynch moving image project is the music and sound design, and the American director’s return to television with Twin Peaks: The Return has been no different. Throughout the new series, Dean Hurley’s rumbling sounds have helped add to Lynch’s trademark unsettling atmosphere.

Now Hurley has released Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△, an album compiling all his eerie compositions from the series, which is being put out through Sacred Bones Records.

Twin Peaks: The Return is the latest in a line of collaborations between Lynch and Hurley. They worked together on Lynch’s 2007 masterpiece Inland Empire, with Hurley acting as music supervisor. Hurley has also assisted the director on his experimental albums The Air Is On Fire, This Train, Crazy Clown Time and The Big Dream.

As well as Hurley’s contributions and the show’s iconic score by Angelo Badalamenti, Twin Peaks: The Return has also featured various bands and artists like Chromatics, Hudson Mohawke and Nine Inch Nails, who’ve all popped up with performances at Twin Peaks bar the Roadhouse.

You can stream the album below and buy it at Bandcamp – a vinyl edition is due for release later this year