Power Rangers reboot gets new trailer

Hollywood continue to mine our childhood for content with their reboot of the popular 90s kids’ show

Video by The Skinny | 19 Jan 2017

Our multiplexes do not want for more superhero movies, but that hasn’t stopped Hollywood revamping the 90s live action TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. For the uninitiated, the show followed five "teenagers with attitude" who're groomed by a wizard, Zordon, to be superhero warriors with cosmic powers, multicoloured outfits and immense assault machines called Zords.

The new trailer initially suggests the film is going for a low-key Chronicle vibe as the quintet have fun exploring their newfound powers, but it all soon spirals off into the sort of colourful action movie excess that’ll be familiar to fans of the original show.

In the trailer we hear Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, and get a glimpse of his disembodied CGI coupon, as Zordon. We also hear a few lines from Bill Hader as helpful but deeply annoying droid Alpha 5. Most fun is Elizabeth Banks, who seems to be having a whale of a time chewing scenery as uber villain Rita Repulsa – "I WANT TO DESTROY EVERYTHING!" she screams in the promo

Have a look at the trailer in the player above. Power Rangers arrives on UK screens 23 March; catch an episode of the 90s original as part of Pilot Light TV Festival's Saturday Morning Kids TV Special vol. 1 at Manchester Central Library on 28 Jan.