James Bond fan edit turns series into 'Bond v Bond' film

It’s Bond v Bond v Bond v Bond v Bond v Bond in this crazy James Bond feature length mashup

Article by Jamie Dunn | 19 Jan 2018
Roger Moore as James Bond

Do you ever sit down the pub and argue with your pals about which James Bond would win in a battle to the death? Would Sean Connery’s brutal 007 kick ass against Roger Moore's debonair dandy, say? Or could lanky Pierce Brosnan stand a chance against the well-muscled Daniel Craig?

Well you can find out in Die Spy Kill Kill, a crazy film experiment flagged up by the AV Club that cuts all 24 Bond feature films into one epic. The showdown between the six actors who have played the spy with a licence to kill clocks in at a feature length 2 hours and 16 minutes, and you can download the entire bizarre exercise for free here.

"The goal of this project was to see if such an editing job was even possible," said Team Spyral, the filmmakers behind the project. "The films have changed a lot since 1962; would a brawl on a train work on screen if the scenes used were 48 years apart? You’ll be the judge. We just want to spread the magic of the Bond films old and new to a wider audience. Who knows, maybe there are new fans out there waiting to discover the series?"

Take a look at the crazy trailer in the player below, and on Vimeo.