Wild Country

Teenagers with the blood pressure of giraffes spray claret from their severed necks while their sausage-skin intestines point to a hairy lump chugging over the horizon.

Film Review by Alec McLeod | 17 Mar 2006
Wild Country'
Film title: Wild Country'
Director: Craig Strachan
Starring: Peter Capaldi

A proper video nasty is like picking a scab; not big, clever, pretty or particularly healthy, but nonetheless a strangely pleasurable pain. 'Wild Country', a Scottish werewolf film with teen pregnancy issues, doesn't have the effects or style of Canadian cousin 'Ginger Snaps', but where that film was too clever for its own budget, 'Wild Country' achieves the cheap-thrill scab factor of those 70s/80s bad taste horrors. Teenagers with the blood pressure of giraffes spray claret from their severed necks while their sausage-skin intestines point to a hairy lump chugging over the horizon, jeering their lack of mobile phones. Bookended by Peter Capaldi echoing Cushing and Lee as a sinister priest, it's a bad film, but someone's got to make them. [Alec McLeod]

This film is released on Feb 24.