The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

Film Review by Scotty McKellar | 05 Jul 2012
discreet charm
Film title: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Director: Luis Bunuel
Starring: Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Bulle Ogier
Release date: 16 Jul
Certificate: 15

Six well-dressed figures stride purposefully down a road in the French countryside. Why are they doing this? What's going on? You don't get many answers in Luis Buñuel's Oscar-winning comedy, but it's a charming diversion and a good introduction to surrealist cinema. A group of well to-do friends attempt to have dinner together, but time after time something happens that thwarts their plans. From platoons of soldiers gate-crashing the meal, to terrorists and the odd ghost, they never seem to get what they want. There are some clever things going on, and free of any real plot Buñuel uses the more fantastical elements and regular dream sequences to expose entitlement and hypocrisy in the middle classes. It's likely to go over the head of all but the most devoted fans, but extras include a solid documentary discussing everything you might have missed. It may slightly overstay its welcome but it's pleasant company and provides plenty food for thought. [Scotty McKellar]