Inside Job

Film Review by Matthew Arnoldi | 11 Feb 2011
Inside Job
Film title: Inside Job
Director: Charles Ferguson
Starring: Matt Damon (narrator),
Release date: 18 Feb
Certificate: 12A

Money? It’s a gas. The carnage of Wall Street gets the focus treatment in Charles Ferguson’s timely documentary about the recent global financial meltdown. Matt Damon’s calm narrative weaves you into this economic web of intrigue which dissects the crisis much as recent theatre hit Enron did. Many important global financial players, journalists and politicians are brave enough to appear here and explain how risk taking and de-regulation led to problems on a massive scale. Those who chose not to appear still get referred to. On the plus side, inventive graphics help to delineate complex issues and the film is pleasingly devoid of political leanings. On the minus, certain issues which may also have been root causes are glossed over. Overall you’re left knowing money was creamed off all too easily from a system badly in need of improvement, and the uncomfortable knowledge that some of the key perpetrators may still be in positions of power.