Chasing Ice

Film Review by Danny Scott | 10 Dec 2012
Chasing Ice
Film title: Chasing Ice
Director: Jeff Orlowski
Starring: James Balog, Svavar Jonatansson, Adam LeWinter
Release date: 14 Dec
Certificate: PG

Is it possible to take a picture of climate change? Ask James Balog. Back in the more innocent pre-crash noughties, this National Geographic photographer founded the Extreme Ice Survey, a project which placed 30 time-lapse cameras on three continents pointed for three-years at glaciers he suspected were succumbing to warming climes. His story, findings and well-used expert opinions form the backbone of Chasing Ice, the latest green doc to hit our screens.

Deirector Jeff Orlowski follows this indomitable old-school adventurer as he treks over glaciers and abseils into frozen abysses on a three-times operated on knee to capture some of the most breathtaking and viewed images in recent NatGeo history.

In grim times the temptation would be to skid past another eco-doom documentary, yet Orlowski’s Balog tribute inspire awes and wonder rather than inculcates guilt. A deserving winner of Best Cinematography at Sundance, Chasing Ice is a uniquely visual adventure with a chilling message warmed by Balog’s humanity. [Danny Scott]