
Film Review by Lindsay West | 07 Aug 2008
Film title: Unearthed
Director: Matthew Leutwyler
Starring: Emmanuelle Vaugier, Luke Goss
Release date: 18 Aug
Certificate: 18

For those of you who, like me, fondly remember '80s pop legends Bros as a formative part of your early sexual development, you might be interested to learn that chief percussionist, Luke Goss, is not dead. Apparently having spent his 15-year hiatus in the gym, Luke and his deltoids have resurfaced in archaeological thriller Unearthed. Gorgeous but alcoholic sheriff (put that on your speed dating card, I dare you) Annie (Vaugier) is a chick with a rifle and a past, guarding the desert and dealing with a disproportionate number of 'wolf' attacks and disappearing bit-part actors. Despite having been drinking screwdrivers since 7am, Sheriff Annie must join with renegade archaeologist-with-a-face-tattoo, Kale (Goss) to defend the town. With films like this, there are inevitably a few illogical insanities you're expected to buy without refund policy, but the execution is sufficiently slick that it just about gets away with its punches of silliness. As subtle as you're likely to get with a bouncy, baby Predator haring around with a member of Bros in a tank top, Unearthed is just about worth a punt. [Lindsay West]