The ’Burbs

Film Review by Scott McKellar | 19 Aug 2014
The 'burbs
Film title: The ’Burbs
Director: Joe Dante
Starring: Tom Hanks, Corey Feldman, Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern, Rick Ducommun, Wendy Schaal, Henry Gibson, Brother Theodore, Courtney Gains, Gale Gordon
Release date: 15 Sep
Certificate: 12

With its white picket fences, perfectly tended lawns, and boring, unending conformity, suburban America can be a pretty strange place, and never more so than in Joe Dante's quirky horror comedy.

Ray Peterson (Hanks) is a family man enjoying a holiday at home when a series of spooky coincidences convince him that the weird new family next door might actually be devil-worshipping serial killers. When an elderly neighbour goes missing and all signs point to the mysterious Klopeks, it’s time to take action.

Dante milks the absurdity of the situation with an ensemble cast that includes Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern and Corey Feldman, and the result is one of the funniest and most original films of the 80s. There isn’t a chance in hell a studio would take a risk on a comedy involving Satanism, serial killers and cannibalism these days – all the more reason to grab this impressive Arrow rerelease while you can.