
Film Review by Scott McKellar | 01 Dec 2014
Film title: Nekromantik
Director: Jörg Buttgereit
Starring: Harold Lundt, Colloseo Schulzendorf, Beatrice Manowski
Release date: 8 Dec
Certificate: 18

Jörg Buttgereit’s infamous boundary-defying horror comes to Blu-ray looking slightly bewildered but with a wealth of extras to justify its existence. Filmed on almost no budget over two years, this is a love story of sorts between a traumatised young man, his creepy girlfriend, and a stolen corpse. It’s strong stuff and fully commits to the concept. That said, it’s less of a story and more a succession of loosely connected unpleasant scenes involving necrophilia, cannibalism and (most shockingly) animal deaths.

The cadaver effects are admittedly impressive, but despite Buttgereit’s transgressive sensibilities the relentless attempts to shock eventually become dull and it’s a challenging experience to see it through.

While it would be difficult to recommend on its own, the high-quality extras, including interviews, behind-the-scenes features and director's commentary, are fascinating. This is undoubtedly the best way of seeing one of cult cinema’s most original, and most divisive, nightmares. [Scott McKellar]