Erasing David

Film Review by Scotty McKellar | 19 Nov 2010
erasing david
Film title: Erasing David
Director: David Bond
Starring: David Bond
Release date: 6 Dec 2010
Certificate: 15

Legitimate concerns about privacy and misuse of personal information have no place in director David Bond's bonkers documentary, which firmly sides itself with tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Bond films his attempt to live 'off the grid' for 30 days while a squad of private detectives try to track him down starting with just his name. There's the sporadic titbit of useful information for people in the real world, but it's quickly buried by Bond's gargantuan sense of self-importance and need for drama.

Contrived 'near misses' grate and the UK's significant data protection legislation is ignored because it's less interesting than implying that we're just a step away from secret police and death camps. Indeed, Bond seems to imagine himself as a Bournesque hero fleeing dastardly agencies at the height of the Cold War. Is someone finding out the time of your next GP appointment really the same as rape? Bond seems to think so. Desperate scaremongering at its worst. [Scotty McKellar]