Adam Hills: Inflatable DVD

Review by Bernard O'Leary | 18 Nov 2011
Adam Hills

Sheer coincidence sees this DVD released at a time when Ricky Gervais is defending his right to use the word 'mong'. It's a notable contrast to Hills, who is possibly the most PC comedian in the word, even bringing a sign language interpreter on stage with him to make sure everyone can join in.

And that's the difference between Hills and Gervais. Hills makes plenty of jokes about disability - armless swimmers in the Special Olympics, the casual racism hidden in most sign language, his own artificial foot - but his jokes have no victim. No-one is ever excluded or made fun of. This gig, fimed on the night of Hills's 40th birthday, has the usual atmosphere of a Hills gig, which is a big bunch of mates in a room having a beer and a laugh.

It's bloody funny and Hills weaves effortlessly between his prepared material and extended stretches of audience interaction, the highlight being a sarcastic, deaf heckler in the front row. A set piece at the end explains both the title of the show and why Hills wants to use his comedy simply to cheer people up. It's a little twee, but his breezy Australian charm makes it a success.

Inflatable is available now, exclusively available from HMV, £12.99.