GFF 2012: Chinese Take-Away

Film Review by Chris Buckle | 21 Feb 2012
Chinese Take-Away
Film title: Chinese Take-Away
Director: Sebastián Borensztein
Starring: Ricardo Darin, Murial Santa Ana, Ignacio Huang
Release date: TBC
Certificate: TBC

Chinese Take-Away might well boast the oddest opening of the festival: on a serenely beautiful lake, an attempted proposal is interrupted by a cow falling from the sky and landing on the would-be fiance. It’s one of several scenes of bizarre death peppered throughout the film, as curmudgeonly shopkeeper Roberto pores over newspaper cuttings for examples of life’s capriciousness. His surly demeanour distances those around him, but he soon experiences chance’s vagaries first-hand with the arrival of non-Spanish-speaking Jun, searching for his family in an unwelcoming Buenos Aires.

Chinese Take-Away’s bottom-line homilies – seize the day! Don’t judge a book by its cover! etc. – may be fortune cookie-deep, but, under cover of quirk, writer/director Sebastián Borensztein smuggles in a profundity as unexpected as it is rewarding. Jun regrettably remains a cypher, but this helps concentrate empathy on Roberto (played with pitch-perfect cantankerousness by Ricardo Darin), whose layers gradually unfurl as this handsomely-shot film edges towards its classy conclusion. [Chris Buckle]

Chinese Take-Away is screening 21 Feb and 23 Feb as part of Glasgow Film Festival 2012.