Uncaged Monkeys @ The King's Theatre, 3 April

Article by Jen Lavery | 07 Apr 2011
Uncaged Monkeys @ The King's

Opening the first section was star of the show, Professor Brian Cox. Although fans of his BBC programme might sometimes have wondered if trips to exotic locations were really necessary to show how the universe works, his theories and equations did prove slightly more difficult for the non-scientists amongst us to absorb when faced with just the man himself and large screen. That being said, there were still enough amazing facts in the more basic stuff to hold the rapt attention of the entire audience (even those whose scientific education only went as far as some long-forgotten Standard Grades).

Performances from Simon Singh and psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman gave us a lot of entertaining, intelligent food for thought. Singh’s section on The Bible Code vs. The Moby Dick Code, in particular, was especially enjoyable for those who put more faith in science than a 2000-year-old ghost-written book.

Guardian science columnist Ben Goldacre had been onstage for all of two minute before his PowerPoint presentation decided to black out; those of us who have struggled with technology ourselves finding some degree of comfort in the sight of Goldacre and Cox being momentarily stumped by the laptop’s refusal to work. However, whilst his set didn’t contain many surprises for those familiar with his book, Goldacre proved a charming presence. Scare-mongering journalists should be forced to copy out his insights on medical testing and the pharmaceutical industry repeatedly, until they swear never to neglect their fact-checking again.

When sandwiched between Goldacre and Cox, the science link in Helen Arney’s music proved too tenuous, potentially reinforcing the impression that women aren’t really involved in ‘hard sciences’. Considering Arney actually has a physics degree, this seemed like a bit of a missed opportunity. However, with so much information to take in from the other speakers, some of the audience may have been happy for the chance to give their brains a short break.

There’s really no other option than to give this show five stars. There can’t have been one person who didn’t leave The King's with some part of their mind blown by what they had witnessed. My advice? Book tickets now, and take money with you. You won’t be able to resist the book stall in the foyer as you leave.

Uncaged Monkeys is currently on tour throughout the UK. 8 May 2011, Aberdeen Music Hall, 8 May, Edinburgh International Conference Centre,14 May. For further information see www.robinince.com