Ross Noble: Things

Article by Keir Hind | 25 Mar 2009
Ross Noble

“This is the wrongest show I’ve ever done” said Ross Noble 15 minutes into his set. Maybe, but it was still fantastically entertaining. A Ross Noble performance starts when he bounds on stage with seemingly very little prepared material and proceeds as he comes up with all kinds of oddness for two hours. One joke was about having two five year old violinists go on Britain’s Got Talent solely to annoy the moral majority, but most of the jokes were much less straightforward. Latecomers were mocked mercilessly, in ways they surely couldn’t have understood. At the interval, presents were left on stage by various audience members, including a copy of the Metro, open at the reader’s mail page, featuring people debating... Ross Noble – specifically, his attitude to the overweight (he’d cracked a joke about Lenny Henry and Dawn French sending one of their daily meals to Africans). Refreshingly unpredictable, Noble somehow led this to a routine about Beyonce Knowles. The show was confusing in this sort of crazed way throughout, but then that’s sort of the point.

 Want to catch Ross? Willing to travel? His tour dates can be found here: