Dana Alexander 'In Transit'

Review by Jen Lavery | 19 Mar 2012
Dana Alexander

It's a testament to Dana Alexander’s skill that at the end of her performance I was sure she must have under-run. Her relaxed stage presence and high gag rate meant the show – held in a venue so packed picking up your drink meant carefully manoeuvring so as not to elbow the person beside you in the face – flew by.

At one point in the show the Canadian import remarks that she doesn't generally tell stories on stage. While it is certainly true her set is mainly made up of one-liners, once she hits the main body – after beginning by relying on notes to try out some new gags – she seamlessly segues from one piece of material to the next, mixing stories centred on her widely spread family with her own observations of life, honed over 12 years on the circuit.

Despite the occasional foray into what she describes as the 'filthy, filthy' stuff she carries off the more risqué aspects without leaving any of the audience behind.

Given that this show is a work in progress, by the time it reaches the Edinburgh Festival it should be adding at least one, if not two more stars to the rating.

Brel, Friday March 16 as part of the Glasgow International Comedy Festival