Solomon & Marion @ Assembly

Review by Stephanie Green | 21 Aug 2013
Solomon & Marion

Why has Solomon (Khaylethu Anthony) arrived at Marion's (Dame Janet Suzman) isolated house? If he has come to murder her, then Marion urges him to hurry up so that she can be saved the bother of committing suicide. Recognizing the boy who used to fish in her pond, she believes his granny has sent him. Solomon sees she is lonely and unprotected, and tells her she should leave to go and live with her daughter in Australia. But he too is lonely, and has suffered ostracism when his parents died of AIDS, and thus a friendship develops between them.

This is theatre at its best. Produced by Capetown's Baxter Theatre, this extraordinary play is a deeply moving and perceptive exploration into isolation and grief, the effects of violence, crime and the instability of present day South Africa. At times humourous, full of fury, sorrow and affection, it unravels the horrific tragedy that has engulfed Marion's life and Solomon's role in it. Suzman's strong presence and incisive voice forms a brilliant contrast to the gentle, melodious voice of Khaylethu Anthony: an inspired pairing. 





Solomon & Marion @ Assembly (Main Hall) 14:30, until 26 Aug 26 (except 19), various prices