Scene of the Titans @ C

Review by Caroline Moore | 30 Aug 2011

If your dirty laugh is a bit rusty, best to brush up on it now – because it will be needed! Scene of the Titans is a musical about Ireland's controversial entry into the Bingham World Cup's gay-friendly rugby tournament. Like all good stories this one centres around the cumbersome attempts of the protagonist, Terry, to impress a boy by convincing his fellow regular clubbers and token straight friend to blindly submit themselves to the terrifying dictatorship of coach Nicky for their best chance of not being completely destroyed at the first hurdle.

Terry's awkwardness of character and the reaction of other players wherever he springs into song is much like how you could imagine peoples reaction, should you decide to randomly enrich the public’s life with your own musicality. Despite having to sit through the devastating moment when Colin puts his top back on, the musical as a whole is nothing less than wonderful. You can only hope that the producer considers releasing My God is Gay on EP, so you can relive this sadly brief period in your life over again. But if there is one piece of advice you should make sure you go in with it's that telling yourself they're not real makes no difference to how intently you stare.