MenSWEAR Collection: Spunk @ C Nova

Review by Christine Lawler | 02 Sep 2014
MenSwear Collection: Spunk

Lights Up Entertainment bring the topics of sex and disability to Edinburgh Fringe with MenSWEAR collection: Spunk, set around the life of James who feels his wheelchair prevents him from getting the sex he needs, the male prostitute he calls in to remedy this and his carer, who is not at all supportive of his decision.

This production does not supply the weight it intends to – tackling meaty topics such as these could raise discussion and go some way to pushing for the equality that society still does not have, however the gay characters feel stereotypical.

Unfortunately, the character of James does nothing to break the stereotype that is often imposed upon those with disabilities and he is quite a dull character who inspires no empathy or care  towards him – he is ultimately very forgettable.

James’ carer Aaron is quite amusing as he fusses over the man about whom he obviously cares very much, and portrays the prude with his own secrets quite well. However, more depth could have been given to him to make him feel like less of a caricature.

The character of Jag is a confusing one, a male prostitute who becomes therapist to James and his Aaron, smooth and sophisticated as his job would demand and yet quite ridiculous as he psychoanalyses and helps James and his carer find what they are looking for. Like a smutty guardian angel.

The performance is like an episode of Coronation Street, which may mean commercial success however for those not fans of the soap opera it comes off feeling slightly tacky and inconsequential. The script is quite weak, being entertaining only in the cheap laughs it provides, though it shows promise. A good effort in raising issues that still attract the stereotypes however following that up by breaking them would make for a stronger show.

MenSWEAR Collection: Spunk, C Nova, Run ended