Gods @ Venue13

Review by Steven Fraser | 17 Aug 2012

CalArts make used video projections showcasing abstract imagery to interpret a short story by Vladimir Nabokov. Utilising silence and shadows, the theme of loss and discovery is well presented and the vibrant approach by the two performers on stage is versatile and bold. They make full use of the performance space and incorporate physical choreography to their act at times. This creates a tender link between the male and female protagonist, which draws the audience into their story.
The soundtrack to the performance is fitting, creating a feeling of tranquillity which is never overbearing. The heavy narration by the protagonist can be sometimes cumbersome, with an overuse of descriptive adjectives distracting from the projected visuals on stage. A section of the tale is set in Paris and we are only taken there via the narration. Here, more innovative use of the projected visuals could have added to the imagery that was being conveyed.
Gods paints an abstract picture of longing and discovery. However overuse of narration is the main downfall when presenting the story. Elements of the narrative feel lost and greater use of visuals would have benefited the overall performance.

Venue 13 4-18 Aug (not 6 and 13) 4pm £8 (£5)