
Review by Jess Winch | 17 Aug 2009
News Revue

Since man evolved from ape and started selecting political leaders, the world has been in need of those few with the ability to mock, satirize and comically criticise those in power. Back to celebrate a record-breaking 30 years of Fringe performances, NewsRevue comes with this aim in mind, and delivers a spectacularly funny and fast-paced commentary on current affairs.

The show skips through news headlines, celebrity stories, political intrigue and international events, with the performers frequently engaging in close harmony singing with an accompanying pianist. They bemoan the state of the railways, parody the gossip magazines’ hunger for celebrity deaths, question the crowd-management skills of the London Metropolitan police and contemplate the doleful image of Gordon Brown, which persists despite the offer of a popularity makeover from an irritatingly smug David Cameron. The events presented are always topical and the group move through them seamlessly, rarely missing a beat or a punchline.

There is gentle teasing of celebrity gaffs, barbed commentary on government policies and straightforward wit: “Did you hear about Harold Pinter?”...Pause. “He died.” There are also controversial but insightful send-ups of current political situations such as the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The show’s success lies in its ability to make current affairs poignant, accessible and very, very funny. With performers this good and material this fresh, NewsRevue 30th Anniversary truly deserves its place in the Fringe hall of fame.