It's not too late to see...

Over a hundred events selling on the day tickets became available, but plenty of big-name events still have tickets available

Feature by Lemma Shehadi | 12 Aug 2009
Douglas Coupland

Melvyn Bragg
29 August 11:30am

Melancholy, moving and introspective, Lord Bragg's latest novel Remember Me—inspired by the suicide of his first wife—proved a cathartic exercise for the author. A towering figure in the arts, the prolific writer and presenter of The South Bank Show gives an insight into the life of hidden conflict behind his outstanding career.

Elaine Showalter
4.30pm RBS Maintheatre 16 August

The American literary critic and writer is best known as one of the founders of feminist criticism, or "gynocritism" as she terms it. Still at the forefront of the feminist movement, Showalter comes to the festival to discuss her latest study, A Jury of Her Peers: American Women Writers From Anne Bradstreet to Annie Proulx. Reflecting on the fantasy of the "Great American Novel," Showalter considers why this concept has been inaccessible to literary women throughout American history.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon
3:00pm, RBS Main Theatre, 15 August

A masterful gothic tale of mystery and obsession, Ruiz Zafon’s 2001 work The Shadow of the Wind is second only to Don Quixote as Spain’s biggest-selling novel. Once a writer for films and young adults, the novelist's move into adult fiction has seen consistent, outstanding critical acclaim. In his first ever visit to the festival, Ruiz Zafon will reflect on the acquired art of storytelling.

Douglas Coupland
8:00pm, RBS Main Theatre, 30 August

An influential voice in contemporary art and postmodern culture, Coupland will be talking about his latest novel, Generation A, a futuristic dystopia on the 21st century invasion of the digital world. Coupland is best known as a New York Times blogger and for previous novels including 1991's Generation X.

Will Self
6:30pm, RBS Main Theatre, 23 August

Philosopher of the bizarre, satirist and literary dilettante, Will Self unveils the dark workings of his mind. Currently enjoying the success of his latest, nightmarish novel The Butt, Self is sure to produce a mind altering talk at the festival.