Vikki Stone: Hot Mess

Review by Paul Mitchell | 18 Aug 2012
Vikki Stone

Any show which presents Phillip Schofield in a new, slightly more intriguing/disturbing light deserves considerable comedy kudos. Vikki Stone, troubadour,impressionist (well...) and former face of Tena Lady is back behind the piano after last year's warmly received defiling of the Abba back catalogue (which has been sorely needed since Mamma Mia) and love song for the aforementioned Schofe - reprised due to further developments.

Stone is the 'Hot Mess' of the title - the one for whom things start so promisingly yet subsequently go somewhat awry in the end. By way of 'proof' of this concept, Vikki shows us some 'Oops' Facebook pics, admits she likes trashy TV (but don't we all?) and is still single while all her mates are getting married. Naturally. She also uses lots of naughty words, including not-so-subtle allusions to and graphic descriptions of (gasp!) Sex Acts! - and if you even pretend to take offence she may well write a song about you and your teeny-weeny closed mind (OK, she's already done that one). 

And whilst Stone doesn't have a 'message' to impart after this scattered autobiographical jaunt, there is one that could be taken as intrinsic - Despite the YouTube success of her surreally bonkers impressions of Dragon's Den impresario Hilary Devey, it really needs to be seen live for the full 'WTF?' effect.

Vikki Stone: Hot Mess, Underbelly, Bristo Square, until 26 August, £9-11,