Tom Stade: Tom Stade Totally Rocks!

Shouty Canadian monster Tom Stade is getting ready to rock the Fringe

Preview by Kate Russell | 27 Jul 2012
Tom Stade

So then, tell us about your show?
What? Are trying to wreck the surprise? Do you tell your kids what the present is before they open it on Christmas morning? "It's a bicycle. Open it and see!" You're The Skinny, you should know better than that!

How have your previews been going?
Well, let's just say that to have so many standing ovations for preview shows is blowing my mind.

How are you going to keep it fresh for the full three weeks?
I'm only going to keep it fresh for the first two weeks. It's easier. After that the reviews shouldn't matter.

Is it ultimately worth coming to the Fringe?
It's not a matter of 'is it ultimately worth it' to go to the Fringe. It's more a matter of 'I need to go'. Just as elephants will cross the African desert for days to get water. The Fringe is my water. I need it to feel alive.

Do you have a guaranteed, surefire flyering technique?
You think I have to flyer my show? I'm Tom Stade! My fanatics know where I am. Shout out to my fanatics. See you there!

What's your health regime for the Fringe?
Never had one! Don't believe in health regimes. I think my steady party diet has served me well over the years.

What's the worst mistake people make at the Fringe?
There are no mistakes. The fact you're at the Fringe believing in yourself and blowing your life savings and leaving yourself and your future family in debt for years to come means you're on the right path.

Last year's Fringe was all about the London riots. What major news event do you think will force you to hurriedly rewrite your 2012 show?
There was a London riot last year? Why am I always the last to know. To find out this way is just embarrassing.

What was your favourite joke when you were a kid?
Q: Why does a squirrel float on his back.
A: To keep his nuts dry.

Who else are you hoping to see while you're in Edinburgh?
The ghost of my dead father. I love you daddy!

You've had a pretty incredible 2011/2012, what has been the highlight so far?
That I'm in a position to start helping my comic buddies. Isn't that right John Lynn, Vinny Fluke, Ron Vaudry, Rich Wilson, Jojo Sutherland, Ro Campbell and Davey Ward? Teehee!

You're known for your charisma and charm, do you have a lucky 'charm' for when you're performing?
I see what you did! Clever! My charm is music. I listen to Kenny Loggins 'I'm Alright!' Brings me back to when I was a kid and took nothing seriously. Damn adults trying to force me to take things seriously. GET OFF MY FUCKING BACK, WORLD!

Aside from your (obviously rocking) show, how do you plan to rock Edinburgh's world this August?
Same as I always do. By being myself - it's all I can do!

Tom Stade Totally Rocks!, Pleasance Courtyard, 1-26 August (not 14), 20:00, £13/£11.50