Tom Deacon: Deaconator

Radio 1's Tom Deacon offers up some advice on how to survive the Fringe

Preview by Kirsten Innes | 30 Jul 2012

Your show last year was about honesty, what’s it all about this timer?

This year is about me turning 26 and feeling like I need closure in my life by completing a sticker album which I haven’t been able to do before.

How have the previews been going so far?

They’ve been going really well actually. Obviously at the end of the show I write down my notes from the show, where I can change things, where the show needs more pace or pauses etc. But as I say mainly the shows have been well received. The general feedback has been one of appreciation. Somehow people forget the sticker albums they collected when they were younger and when I start talking about it it all comes flooding back to them. I open up the geek in them they have tried to forget.

What’s your secret to remaining relatively sane and healthy during the Fringe?

Well, I’m not sure I’ve found the secret in the years I’ve been up if I’m honest. Each comedian has a wobble at some point in the run, where they hit what feels like a brick wall, and they have to get around it somehow. This year, I’ve decided I’m going to be as active as I possibly can to stay alert, I think I’m going to try running up Arthur’s Seat. I hope this will keep the wall away, but I have replaced it with a giant hill.

What are the biggest pros and cons of taking part in the Fringe?

Apart from the cost, the biggest con is its hard work mentally and physically being in the Fringe bubble for a whole month. I’m not taking a night off this year in order to take the last Sunday off to get back to London for Radio 1. I’ll have a marathon of shows to get through, night in night out performing. In saying that, it’s the best thing being able to perform the show you’re loving, every night to a new audience. Also it goes without saying that you’re part of so much going on, there’s so much to go and see and do.

What advice would you give to anyone performing in Edinburgh for the first time?

Pack properly! Also don’t forget an umbrella, you’ll need it. The biggest thing to remember is we’re only human so some nights won’t be as good as others so keep your head up and keep smiling. Unless you’re doing a very serious play, in which case don’t smile.

Whose shows are you hoping to catch this year?

I always make a list of shows I want to see when I get there and also when the word of mouth about shows gets out, I’ll know which ones to go see. I know for a fact I’ll be off to see The Comedy Zone because it’s tradition for those who’ve been in the show before.

'Deaconator', Pleasance Dome, 1-25 Aug, 7pm, £9.50/£8