The Three Englishmen: Optimists

Article by Kate Russell | 24 Aug 2011
The Three Englishmen: Optimists

It would be very easy to liken these Englishmen to those Monty Python boys. Easy, but true. Musical sketches, dressing like ladies, daft accents, and Tom Hensby’s more-than-passing resemblance to John Cleese? Yes, all that. But also their obvious acting talent, total cohesion as a group, and their hawk-like eyes for the perfect dose of silliness.

Each member of this troupe has his own distinct talent, be it as a singer, a pianist, a straight actor, or doing a great French accent – they know their strengths and they play to them. As individuals, they complement and bounce off one another, which makes for some great sketches and also for fantastic cherry-on-top ad-libs.

Many of their jokes come out of absolutely nowhere – warring furniture, an unusual Pavarotti, and a blind baker – but they have the ability to be silly in just the right way at just the right time. Their timing is perfect as a group; they are impeccably rehearsed and it shows. Whether they just come right out with the daftness, or build something else up before throwing it in, it is always pitch-perfect.

Talented musicians, actors, and comedians, this is one not to miss.

The Three Englishmen: Optimists, Just The Tonic @ The Caves, 16.00, £9 (£8)