Sean McLoughlin @ Laughing Horse, City Cafe

Sean McLoughlin proves he is impossible to ignore

Review by Frankie Goodway | 11 Aug 2017
Sean McLoughlin

There’s a slightly rabid quality to Sean McLoughlin – his ever-shifting grip upon the mic, a wild set to his eyes, a sense that amid his rapid-fire quips he might start frothing at the mouth and still not stop for breath. Underneath it all, he’s probably a puppy. He certainly has both bark and bite in a set that drags his every insecurity out into the light for a good laugh. It’s a vicious, aggressive, delightful picking apart of himself, his exes, and the occasional audience member.

It’s McLoughlin’s fifth hour of fresh material for the Fringe, and there’s barely a duff moment in it. The pacing is quick, aside from a section on his penis that’s brought up (or, rather, not) again and again. He deftly balances sleaze with shame for a set that’s grubby, but never off-putting. McLoughlin runs through relationships, sex, porn, and even a fresh take on Trump. If he claims to avoid national pride but relies on national stereotypes for a short bit, it’s easily forgiven – there are plenty more great jokes to come. His closing gag is a masterclass in callbacks, and puts the lie to his show’s title, You Can’t Ignore Me Forever. Sean, we were listening from the beginning. And we loved it.

Sean McLoughlin: You Can't Ignore Me Forever, Laughing Horse at City Cafe, until 26 Aug, 6.45pm, Free