Rich Peppiatt: One Rogue Reporter

Review by Chris Tapley | 13 Aug 2012
Rich Peppiatt

Rich Peppiatt is a former Daily Star reporter who you might remember publically resigned with an exceptionally pointed open letter to Star editor Richard Desmond, published by The Guardian last year.
Here he continues his tirade by deconstructing the inanity of celebrity fluff articles (which really are beyond parody, if still ripe for cheap laughs), showcasing a few of his own crimes against journalism, and generally trying to expose the shallow immorality of the tabloid press. When he gets it right there is a keenly felt sense of justice.
This is achieved mainly through screening the videos of his eccentric pranks on high profile newspaper editors – whether it's showing up outside the home of Mail boss Paul Dacre clutching dildos or plastering the car of Express editor Hugh Wittow with his own heinous Madeleine McCann headlines. And those are just two examples.
As a newcomer Peppiatt has nailed the nuts and bolts of comedy well enough, whilst being affable, self-deprecating and only jumping on his soapbox when strictly necessary. Just when it seems like the show might stutter to a halt he ends with two quite incredible videos exposing the sheer scale of the deception and hypocrisy which poisons British journalism. Fascinating, scathing and at times very funny.

Rich Peppiatt: One Rogue Reporter, Pleasance Courtyard, until 27 August (not 14), 17:00, £9.50/£8