Nathan Cassidy: Free Pound

Review by Katy Spry | 28 Aug 2012
Nathan Cassidy

Cassidy’s show does exactly what it says on the tin (or leaflet rather): we receive our free £1 as promised, there is a great demand for seats due to the impressive turn out and his energy is infectious. Alas, this does not set the tone for the rest of the performance.

Cassidy immediately alienates a large number of his audience by frequently referring to now defunct 80s game show ‘Bullseye’ and host Jim Bowen. We were warned from the outset the 80s would feature heavily, but it doesn't connect with today's crowd and he fails to mix it up once it's clear it's not working.

On several occasions he mentions previous bad reviews, one in particular rather poignantly stated his “most offensive joke was charging people” hence the idea for the show. Not really the best way to generate confidence amongst your audience. At one point, Cassidy even strips of,#f then appeals to the audience to pay him to stop. This incident comes across more desperate than funny, creating alot of nervous laughter and partial confusion.

Although there are moments of genuine raucous laughter and some great gags, overall, charismatic Cassidy fails to stretch himself and properly explore all the comedic options available to him as a result of his subject choice.

Nathan Cassidy: Free Pound, The Royal Mile Tavern, until August 25, 20:30, Free