Mitch Benn

Article by Lizzie Cass-Maran | 11 Aug 2011
Mitch Benn:

Mitch Benn's show opens with a song explaining what his show is not about. It's a theme throughout the show, as he tells us what he's not going to talk about and proceeds to talk about it for ten minutes. Although this is a common device used to segue between material, its repeated use is frustrating in this case and leaves the feeling that we've never quite got to the meat of the show.

There is essentially no meat, and fans of Benn might be somewhat let down as he revisits old classics rather than coming up with anything new or topical. Newbies, though, are likely to have a tremendous time: a classic is a classic for a reason. Geekily knowledgeable and a massive Doctor Who fan, Benn is an accomplished performer and songwriter. Sci-fi fans in particular may have found their perfect show.

His Macbeth rap, when it comes, is a impressive work of genius, but the set-up is rambling -it's essentially a long demonstration of how impressive his iphone app is - clever, but unnecessary.  

Mitch Benn, Stand III, 3pm, 5-14 August, £10