Mary O'Connell @ Pleasance Courtyard

Money Princess is a consistent first Edinburgh Fringe hour from money-obsessed Mary O'Connell

Review by Polly Glynn | 17 Aug 2023
Mary O'Connell

Money makes the world go round, it’s true. But none more so than for Mary O’Connell, winner of the biggest ever prize in comedy history – the OnlyFans Creative Fund: Comedy Edition.

Interspersed between her drawn-out journey to winning this competition are wry observations on money, capitalism and the cost of living crisis, particularly in the context of being a bougie gal. Hidden beneath is a more subtle critique of the increased expense of surviving as a black woman.

O’Connell is an assured performer, despite her protestations that she’s risk-averse. The influence that her director, Elf Lyons, has had on the show is evident. There’s some fun prop work (money guns, doing her own lighting from her phone) right at the beginning, and some slight surreal asides which set the show apart from some of its debut siblings at this year’s festival. O’Connell’s earnest commentary on the lack of space in alternative comedy for performers of colour is really eye-opening. The bottom line of which circles, of course, back to finance, or at least perceived wealth.

It’s also true that not all of O’Connell’s risks pay off: her waterfall moments verge on one too many, capitalism knock-knock jokes appear alien in format and her competition thread floats more untethered than you might like. However, it’s refreshing to be in the company of a new act whose debut isn’t just a tight 10, stretched to 60 minutes. O’Connell’s risks are reasonably well-judged and take guts to see through, especially spinning out a consistently thematic show. With the space and support for her to take more risks and stray into the alternative more often, O’Connell could be a very exciting act indeed.

Mary O'Connell: Money Princess, Pleasance Courtyard (Bunker Three), until 27 Aug, 6pm, £10-£11