Joz Norris is Matt Fisher: Überperson

Review by Barrie Morgan | 08 Aug 2012
Joz Norris

A short run at the fringe is often a safe bet. It allows most acts to enjoy the festival, sample the atmosphere and not take the huge financial risks of the longer 4 week marathon. Joz Norris is one such soul that has chosen said short run. Unfortunately for you, that means there are but days left to catch his deluded musings, unabashed self-awareness and beautifully-crafted comedic character creation Matt Fisher.


In Fisher, Norris has created a genuinely brilliant character, performed with a confidence that belies his years and a pomp that defies the room. The audience loves every second, as Norris revels in the atmosphere, milking every moment and taking every opportunity to get involved with his audience.


He barely drops a beat throughout and the youthful vibrancy of the performance ensure Norris is one to watch and a real talent for the future. Reminiscent of a young Matt Berry, but funnier. So catch the show while you can, as this time next week Norris, like so many acts, will already be at home with nothing but the post-festival blues, a four-day hangover and a backpack full of unused fliers for company.

Joz Norris is Matt Fisher: Uberperson, Laughing Horse @ The Phoenix, until 12 August, 00:00, FREE