Joanne McNally @ Assembly George Square

An evening with Joanne McNally is like catching up with a friend

Review by Veronica Finlay | 07 Aug 2018
Joanne McNally

Joanne McNally knows who her audience is and she speaks their language. She’s had the same experiences of online dating, money worries and patronising mum-friends as many of her mostly female fans.

Wine Tamer is full of the kind of gossip told over 'lady petrol' (as she calls her beloved white wine) everyone loves to hear about but wouldn’t necessarily confess to. McNally’s honest and no-nonsense observations are well suited to the party environment she creates from the get-go. It’s fun and built around the understanding that we’ve all been there, in similar situations to McNally, or at least we know someone who has.  

This might be a bigger leap for the guys in the audience, which doesn’t stop her from interacting just as much – if not more – with the men in the room. It's a shame she doesn’t always manage to extract as much humour from these conversations, and perhaps she’s doing it for the sake of keeping them hooked. It's a good old-fashioned stand-up show by a talented, fun-loving gal you'd invite to a party and also feel safe to take to your nan's for tea. 

Joanne McNally: Wine Tamer, Assembly George Square (Studio Four) 1-27 Aug, 5.35pm, £5-9.50

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