Jason Cook @ The Stand

Article by Bernard O'Leary | 15 Aug 2010
Jason Cook

Last year, Jason Cook almost died. Well, kind of. It's a long story, one which provides the basis for his new show. For a guy talking about death, Cook is incredibly lively. His mouth, which goes at a million words a minute, can barely keep up with his brain. If he was the kind of comedian who liked to take the mickey out of the audience, it would take him five minutes flat to utterly humiliate everyone in the room.

Fortunately, he's not. He does the exact opposite: chatting affably with the crowd and urging people to get involved with the show. The death stuff is an opportunity to tell bizarre (but credible) stories from his life, like accidentally injuring dolphins and watching strangers cuddling on planes. A lot of time is devoted to his wife and the best part of the show is a section that she scripted for him. It's as touching as it is hilarious. Few people have his warmth and spontaneity; it’s an act you’d gladly watch
again and again.

There are also some intriguing teasers about next year’s show. Start booking for that now.

Jason Cook on EdFringe.com