Glenn Wool @ Heroes, Monkey Barrel

Glenn Wool is not for the easily offended

Review by John Stansfield | 11 Aug 2017
Glenn Wool

Not to be confused with The Spice Girls musical of the same name, Glenn Wool’s new show Viva Forever is about how some art might not be for you. And that’s fine. Just don’t shit all over it so someone else feels weird about liking it. It’s a lofty moral for a man who deals in the dark shit of people’s minds, but one he’s been forced to claim after a tragedy witnessed by his girlfriend, and then dealing with some complaints during his tour support for Reginald D Hunter

First of all, if anyone is going into a Reginald D Hunter show not expecting to be even a little offended, they shouldn’t really be going to that show. But complain they have. Yet, it is this controversy that has given Wool a new Edinburgh show, so we must thank their sensitive disposition as the comedian is as good on the attack as he is on defence. Wool rails against political correctness in a sharp and intelligent manner, which belies the waistcoat and trucker hat aesthetic that the comic adorns these days. Maybe don’t go if you’re easily offended. Or do, and make next year’s show even better.

Glenn Wool: Viva Forever, Heroes at Monkey Barrel (Headroom), until 27 Aug (not 14), 7.40pm, £7.50/PWYW