Gareth Morinan is Playing the Numbers Game

Review by Yasmin Ali | 22 Aug 2013
Gareth Morinan Is Playing the Numbers Game

Gareth Morinan is a data analyst/comedian who plays up statistics geekery with the help of PowerPoint graphs. His delivery is part deadpan, part apathy, but it's clear his material has been exhaustively planned.

One of the funniest parts is when he explains the aftermath of his listings strategy for this year's Fringe Guide, which features 11 listings for his show. Because a lot of Morinan's material is very abstract, it's a welcome contrast at this stage to have a true life story to balance things out. His strategy generated upset from the Fringe Council, but praise from fellow comics, culminating in a nomination for this year's Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award.

He doesn't give much of his personal life away, preferring to draw on very general themes for material. It makes a welcome contrast from the safe ground of exes or the self-effacing style favoured by many, and Morinan is still true to himself without being self-referential.

You will enjoy this show if:

A. You like Gareth Morinan;
B. You like comedy slideshows;
C. You like cartoons;
D. All of the above

The PowerPoint makes this show a quick hour, and the data is interspersed with nonsensical comedy animations for some visual levity. An enjoyable show all in all. 


PBH's Free Fringe, The Banshee Labyrinth, until 25 Aug, free