Frisky and Mannish: 27 Club and Extracurricular Activities

There's a lot of musical comedy at the Fringe, but few as cool or as sexy as Frisky & Mannish

Preview by Kate Russell | 01 Aug 2012
Frisky & Mannish

So then, tell us about your show?
Well, we've got two going on this year, because we're sadists. The first is a big, splashy celebration of all things F&M – loud, ridiculous and flashy as hell, Extra-Curricular Activities. We've been having a lot of fun updating some old YouTube faves, as well as turning our attention to some young upstarts (yes, you, Lana del Rey).

The second is completely opposite – it's an analysis of the 27 Club phenomenon (all the rock stars who die at 27, like Winehouse, Cobain, Hendrix, et al). One of our crew put it best after watching a rehearsal, "Bloody hell, it's art." It might not be Rodin, but it isn't the usual schtick from us, that's for sure.

How have your previews been going?
Extra-Curricular Activities has been a total blast! Every time we did another we were saying, "Ooh, what can we add?! More flashy lights! More video! More tracks!!" The 27 Club hasn't had a preview yet, but rehearsal buzz is good. We're very excited to share it.

Is it ultimately worth coming to the Fringe?

Do you have a guaranteed, surefire flyering technique?
Yes; get other, much sexier, much younger, and much more energetic people to do it.

What's your health regime for the Fringe?
Just not getting bolloxed every single night. Beyond that you're in the lap of the gods...

What's the worst mistake people make at the Fringe?
Getting up at 5am to go and put posters on those column things on the Royal Mile. You'll meet ten other companies doing the same thing, and then ten minutes later there'll be ten others covering yours, and all those tens multiply to equal WASTE OF TIME.

Last year's Fringe was all about the London riots. What major news event do you think will force you to hurriedly rewrite your 2012 show?
Probably a load of Olympics stuff. In London at the moment, everyone is involved in one big moan. You can leave a conversation with a cabby, and pick it up right where you left off with someone in a shop. Everyone is dreading it, so there'll either be a lot of "God, it's awful" chat, or a total about-turn and lots of enthusiasm. But I doubt the latter is in the capability of the British population.

Do you pay your taxes?
We've only just started earning enough to worry about it. But so far, yes.

What was your favourite joke when you were a kid?
F: Why did the cat cross the road? Because it was stapled to the back of the chicken.
M: Knock knock? Who's there? Rod, Jane and...? Rod, Jane and who? That's showbusiness.

Who else are you hoping to see while you're in Edinburgh?
Joe Lycett. Suzi Ruffell. Four Screws Loose. Leela Bunce in Waiting for Stanley.

27 Club is described as a return to your cabaret roots. In what ways is it different from the F&M shows we know and love?
The main aim isn't chasing the LOLs. We're genuinely fascinated by the phenomenon, and
have no desire to be crass or disrespectful about it. The music involved is totally different
from our usual crap too – where there once was Cole, there's now Joplin; where once there
was Backstreet Boys, there's now The Doors. We've turned it into a bit of a drama too, we
wanted to think about how these pressures affect all performers, and what F&M would be
like under those same pressures. It reveals some of their much darker sides.

Who do you bet is next to join the 27 Club?
We look at that in the show... we're not absolutely sure, but Dappy is sure as hell gunning
for it. His last two singles have been literally all about it. We're anticipating a Jim Morrison
medley as his next move.

Which pop song best sums up the Fringe?
Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless, of course.

Frisky & Mannish: 27 Club, Assembly George Square, 20-22 Aug, 10.45pm £12 Frisky & Mannish: Extra-Curricular Activities, Assembly George Square, 16-19 Aug & 23-26 Aug, 7.30pm, £16/£14.50