Ed Night @ Pleasance Courtyard

Ed Night offers intelligent insight into a millennial’s Broken Britain

Review by Holly Callender | 08 Aug 2017
Ed Night

Ed Night is called a prick upon entering the tiny venue, by a drunk (and soon apologetic) heckler. Despite this, Night’s relatively young age and performing to a potentially difficult audience, he keeps his composure.

He coolly takes us through his observations of racism in Britain, the sloganeering of black culture, and Belgian colonies. Aged 21, Night also naturally comments on still living at home in south London and social media. However, he cleverly finds unique angles to these often picked upon topics. Unfortunately, the drunk heckler, who we soon find out is named Jordan, punctures the hour with pointless remarks and, later, phone calls from his pal Wee Jay. 

Luckily, Night has the poise of a comic with 20 years experience on the circuit. So much so that when he forgets the two minute set up to a punchline nearing his set’s end, he casually explains his mistake to a reviewer – “I know where you are, I can clearly see you.” Anthem For Doomed Youth is intelligent yet accessible, and provides a sharp analysis of the millennial’s Britain.

Ed Night: Anthem for Doomed Youth, Pleasance Courtyard (Bunker One), until 28 Aug (not 14), 8pm, £6.50-9.50