Dan Hoy's Stag Do

Article by Lewis Porteous | 13 Aug 2011
Dan Hoy's Stag Do

Dan Hoy's act consists of him delivering an uninterrupted series of convoluted puns and one-liners, leering forward to bask in however many laughs each one elicits, a single arm flopping lifelessly by his side. He's a proficient gagsmith - though not as skilled as the likes of Tim Vine - and a suitably absurd presence on stage. Perhaps this is what allows him to get away with a couple of off-colour lines relating to mental illness.

If this rather limited performer seems like a strange choice for a headliner, his status can be explained by the fact that this themed show is a precursor to his actual marriage, the real life stag do taking place during the performance on the 20th. An exciting if somewhat self-indulgent premise.

Compere Luke Graves and Best Man Paul F Taylor are both superior comics to Hoy, each boasting an easygoing charm suited to the show's informal atmosphere and late night slot. Nick Hodder's presumably improvised 'unpredictable drunk' schtick fails to take off and instead leads to a meandering rumination on the objectification of women that goes nowhere and seems unsure of its own intentions. The sole weak link then, in a bill which isn't nearly as blokey as its premise implies.

Dan Hoy's Stag Do The Banshee's Labyrinth Aug 6-27, Free