New Act of the Month: Richard Gadd

<strong>Richard Gadd</strong> tells us about being an anti-comedian

Feature by Lizzie Cass-Maran | 04 May 2011
Richard Gadd

Age: 21

Based in: Glasgow (originally from the beautifully-named Wormit, in Fife)

First gig: 1 October 2009, QMU Union, Glasgow 

Number of gigs: 100-150

Most memorable gig: It was a charity night, which made it all the more odd. This guy came in and picked a fight with the compere – he wouldn't stop heckling. Then he tried to get onstage and grab the microphone, and all hell broke loose. It was this massive brawl, comedians versus audience. Then it all calmed down and turned out to be one of the best nights of comedy I've ever been to.

How did you get into comedy? It was always something I'd wanted to do. I went along to the Queen Margaret Union and saw some comedy and it just inspired me. So I went up to the promoter and asked for a spot. My first ever gig was Freshers' Week, and it actually went well. So that's how I got the bug!

How would you describe your comedy? I'd say I fall into the category of being an 'anti-comedian'. I do a very weird act; I suppose it's quite subversive. I think what I try to do most onstage is to be subversive and completely original. I try and push the boundaries of weird, because I think surreal humour is quite funny, awkward humour is quite funny. So that's what I try and get across onstage: the idea of being funny through being unfunny.

Who are your heroes on the Scottish Comedy scene? In terms of style, someone like David Kay; I think he's very funny, I love his surreal take on things. People like Mark Nelson and Paul Sneddon are inspiring people in what they do; they're masters of their craft.  And they're not headliners, but people like Matt Winning and James Kirk, and the Stockholm Syndrome... I like anything that's alternative.

See Richard gigging around Scotland this month, including:

Sun 8 & Tue 31 May, The Stand, Glasgow