New Act of the Month: Ana Canary

Edinburgh lass <strong>Ana Canary</strong>'s a really, really new act - but we like her

Feature by Lizzie Cass-Maran | 29 Aug 2011
Ana Canary

Age: 22

Based in: Edinburgh

First gig: 2009

Number of gigs: 17

Most memorable gig? Once I performed to one man in a boat in Leith. I went to do a five minute spot and there was just one guy looking really embarrassed. But we did the show anyway. He enjoyed it more than I was expecting, it went much better than I thought it would.

How did you get into comedy? It’s not something I ever thought I’d get into. I knew I wanted to work in the comedy industry, but didn’t thing I wanted to actually work as a performer. I worked at The Stand [behind the bar], and would see a lot of Red Raw, and see a lot of acts die on their arse. You can’t help but think “I’m sure I can do better than that.” Then I started to feel guilty about thinking that about these people who were trying their best and I thought “You know what, I should put my money where my mouth is.”

What do you try and do onstage?

[My style is] kind of surreal, I just try to say things that I would find funny. One of my comedy heroes is Tony Law, so I sort of try and emulate his kind of nonsense – whimsical comedy.

Who are your comedy heroes on the Scottish scene?

[Stand Director] Tommy Sheppard. He’s not a comedian, but I can’t think of anyone I respect more. I’ve worked for other comedy venues, where the owners obviously don’t care about comedy, and it’s so nice to work under someone who so obviously does.

See Ana gigging around Scotland this September