Trodd en Bratt: Well Done You

Review by Kate Russell | 08 Aug 2012
Todd en Bratt

Ruth Bratt is from the comedy circuit. Lucy Trodd is from the serious circuit. Their show is a bit of both.

Both women are excellent actors and talented character writers, and this is possibly the slickest, best put together, most well-rehearsed sketch show that ever existed. Each character has clearly been given lots of TLC, and this makes for recognisable, realistic caricatures that the audience absolutely love.

What’s more, these women are so at ease in one another’s company that the show seems to just fall into place – it feels so natural, and their friendship makes you feel welcome.

Though not every sketch is side-splitting, and the pace can sometimes drop, there are definite highlights: the opening scene of an unusual mother-daughter relationship is fantastic, the closing chicken-based piece is perfection, and I laughed ‘til I cried at Trodd’s surprisingly good impressions.

And the free Toffifees were pretty good too.

There is something lovely about watching performers who enjoy what they’re doing, and you feel that Trodd en Bratt really do. Their energy is infectious, and you find yourself wondering if they’d come round for tea.

Immensely talented and tremendously funny.


Trodd en Bratt, Well Done You, Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 2-12 Aug and 14-26, 5.45pm, free