Absolute Best of Absolute Beginners

Article by Killian McAleese | 14 Aug 2010
Absolute Beginners

These guys are really up against it. In a Fringe dominated by international acts and TV celebrities, it can be difficult for local talent to shine through. Add to this a venue that's all flourescent lights, that familiar sweaty warmth of Fringe stages and an indundation from the heavens just before the show went up. But from the midst of adversity, Absolute Beginners brings a decent show that has audiences laughing and cringing with just about the right intensity to send you back out into the rain with a smile on your face.

Don't be fooled by the name either: some of these locals have experience under their belts, and you can tell. You won’t find a bad act here, but look out for Matt Winning for instant laughs and Eddie Cassidy for a hilarious take on that most Scottish of comic subjects: drugs. There's a total of eight comedians in rotation of five per night. The quality is mixed, but on the whole it's worth the effort. A good show to see if you want to catch a glimpse into the home-grown scene.

Absolute Beginners on EdFringe.com