Prefuse 73 - Preparations

Herren's usual glitchy electronica and cut 'n' paste vocal smatterings

Album Review by Darren Carle | 07 Nov 2007
Album title: Preparations
Artist: Prefuse 73
Label: Warp
Prefuse 73's last release, the mini-album Security Screenings, was apparently Scott Herren's incensed retort to those who gave his third LP, Surrounded By Silence, less-than-favourable reviews. But those critics were right and Herren's 'response' only exemplified this. Perhaps he should have exercised some patience as Preparations fares better as a put-down to his naysayers. It certainly sounds more focused, perhaps in no small part due to paring down the collaboration count this time around. That said, tracks featuring School Of Seven Bells and Battles' drummer John Stanier sit comfortably among Herren's usual glitchy electronica and cut 'n' paste vocal smatterings. Therein lies the rub though, as we've heard this before, and better, on his first two albums which, for newcomers, should take precedence here. For everyone else, Preparations may still be worth a punt, but if it doesn't float your boat, may we advise that you keep that to yourself. Cheers. [Darren Carle] Release Date: 22 Oct