Felix da Housecat - Virgo Blaktro & The Movie Disco

Should raise a smile for clean cut '80s retro followers.

Album Review by Jack McFarlane | 07 Nov 2007
Virgo Blaktro & The Movie Disco
Album title: Virgo Blaktro & The Movie Disco
Artist: Felix da Housecat
Label: Wall of Sound
Having since become a byword for DJ superstardom and chic front room house, da Housecat has raised a few eyebrows over the prospect of a change of tact, especially over the P-Diddy collaboration. This isn't the serious departure of style many may have feared, but it is a defiantly more commercial affair. The production leans towards vocals and electro boogie, which doesn't come as much of a surprise, and it works despite all that could go against it. It's a little flat and overly pastiche in places, but the majority of tracks do work and are great fun. It sets its own high-gloss coffee-table tone so well in fact, that when he does drop the otherwise very respectable 'ave some a that! Tweak, it sounds very out of place. Not a classic, but it should raise a smile for clean cut '80s retro followers. [Jack McFarlane]
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