Superclub Turns 1

As Superclub prepare to celebrate their first birthday we hear about their busy month ahead: a series of one-off collaborative events with Edinburgh Printmakers

Feature by Andrew Cattanach | 29 Feb 2012
Cat Mullet

The gallery and artists’ studios known as Superclub celebrates its first birthday this month. It’s thus only fitting that festivities will take place while the gallery is involved in what is perhaps its biggest project yet: a collaboration with Edinburgh Printmakers called Negativnights. From March to June Superclub will curate a programme of performances and events hosted by Edinburgh Printmakers that will include works by Momus, David Sherry, Beagles and Ramsay, Erica Eyres and Lachlann Rattray; a lineup that other galleries – ones considerably more established than Superclub – could only dream of.

“It was quite fortunate,” explains Superclub founder Ross Christie, “I managed to get everyone that I asked and had to actually turn some people down in the end. It’s a nice format for everyone because it’s really different but still comfortable.”

Each of the artists has been asked to explore how they use, and simultaneously subvert, degrees of truthfulness in their work to create alternative and often fabricated realities. Chosen because of their tendency to stretch the truth, the artists are all likely to produce a magnitude of myth, deceit, subterfuge and just plain lies.

Momus is a Japan-based musician and performance artist originally from Paisley. Born Nick Currie, he calls himself Momus after the Greek god of satire and has worn an eye patch over his right eye ever since it stopped working in 1997. He’s also said to be the cousin of Del Amitri singer Justin Currie, but like everything else about Momus, this could be untrue. On 8 March he will present his ongoing work Unreliable Tour Guide, which has in the past seen him give idiosyncratic tours of museums and galleries around the world that are more likely to baffle than clarify.

David Sherry first came to prominence with his video Stitching in which he sews balsa wood to the soles of his feet while delivering straight to camera deadpan instruction on how he’s going about it. He’s since auctioned a forged pound coin and casts of his own fingers, carried a bucket of water around for a week and not made eye contact with anyone for seven days.  On 29 March he’ll be delivering a new work that will undoubtedly be of dubious certitude, grounded entirely on lies and deceit.

To celebrate their first birthday, the folks at Superclub invite all and sundry to a pure mad mental rave up at the legendary Sneaky Pete’s in Edinburgh on 22 March where a plethora of ridiculous names will play some sequencers and a few of their finest records. Choice aliases include Ben Butler and Mousepad, Lazlo Power and the Groove, Fox Gut Daata and The Artist Formerly Known as Mince. Regarded as one of last year’s highlights, Ben Butler and Mousepad will join the Superclub team for a second time, bringing with them their unique, genre-spanning vibes.

On 24 March, Superclub, likely still suffering from an excess of birthday shenanigans, will travel up to Dundee where they will take part in the Dundee Zine Fair. Organised by the long-running Yuck N Yum, the fair will take place at Dundee's City Chambers from 11am to 4pm and will offer an array of crazy zinester stuff, including pictures of faces and tea and biscuits.

Make sure you keep an eye on Superclub as they embark on a busy second year, and try not to miss Erica Eyres, Lachlann Rattray, Cru Servers and Beagles and Ramsey in the next couple of months, all of whom come highly recommended, especially when associated with such a fine and promising little institution.